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A caring and experienced approach to general practice in Narre Warren

At Fountain Gate Medical Centre, we provide care to the whole family across all life stages and are proud to be entrusted with the care of our patients. We commonly see up to four generations of the same family as patients of our clinic. 

Pre-conception, pregnancy and postpartum care are important aspects of both women’s and men’s health. Here at Fountain Gate Medical Centre, our doctors are well-versed in managing early pregnancy and postpartum care. Whether you are planning or actively trying to conceive, it is recommended that you make an appointment with your GP to optimise your health. 

At our sister clinic at Southern Cross Medical Centre you can also opt for GP-shared pregnancy care with Monash Health, which enables you to deliver at a local Monash Health Network Hospital but see the same doctor throughout your pregnancy.

Being a new parent, or even an experienced parent of multiple children can be daunting when a child is unwell. We will happily see children of all ages, and during the most recent pandemic, we made provisions to examine children safely no matter the presentation to ensure a continuity of care and to provide an ongoing service to the community. 

Teenagers are welcome to book appointments on their own with a doctor of their choosing at all times. 

All of the Doctors and Nurses at Fountain Gate Medical Centre are highly trained and experienced in providing advice on immunisations not only for children but for all life stages.

We are able to administer all vaccines included in the National Immunisation Program. We also stock most vaccines needed for overseas travel and work, which are able to be purchased and administered on the day. 

If you are 65 years of age or older you may be eligible for a government-funded pneumococcal or shingles vaccine. Please book an appointment to discuss this with one of our friendly GPs. 

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Our GPs can assess your skin cancer risk and any current areas of concern. If you have noticed any changing or worrying skin lesions make an appointment with one of our GPs for review. 

Our experienced practice nurses and doctors have extensive training and expertise in dealing with simple and complex wound care. We are able to manage acute and chronic wounds, suture wounds and provide post-operative wound reviews. 

1 in 5 Australians has experienced a mental health disorder in the previous 12 months. If you are concerned about your mental health you should discuss this with one of our GPs to find out what treatment and help is available.

If you have a diagnosed mental health disorder you may be eligible for a Mental Health Care Plan. A Mental Health Care Plan allows patients to access up to 10 individual psychological sessions per calendar year with Medicare rebates. If you would like to discuss a Mental Health Care Plan, please book a double appointment with one of our GPs.

It’s important to look after your health when travelling overseas. There are a number of preventative care options from vaccines to travel advice to keep you safe on your holiday.

We are a specialised travel health clinic and offer specific travel consults as well as vaccines and travel packs in case of illness. To read more about our service click here or book an appointment directly with Dr Michael Long. 

Men’s health is complex due to a multitude of factors, but seeing a GP regularly can help to optimise health and enable quality preventative health management.

Our doctors at Fountain Gate Medical Centre are experienced in managing and treating a number of serious medical conditions which significantly impact men’s health including erectile dysfunction, prostate disease and cardiovascular conditions including hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes.

Our GPs are experienced in dealing with a broad range of specific women’s health issues; from pre-conception to contraception advice (including Implanon insertion/removal, Mirena removal) to menopause management. 

Cervical cancer screening is now a 5 yearly cervical screening test and can be undertaken as a self-collection test. Book an appointment to discuss this with one of our friendly GPs. 

We are happy to accommodate patient requests to see a female GP if preferred.

If you are low in iron, an iron infusion can be an effective way to improve iron stores in suitable patients. Oral iron supplementation is the first-line method for improving iron levels in the blood. If oral iron supplementation has not been effective to increase low iron levels, an iron infusion can be considered.

Low iron can cause tiredness and affect your ability to function. Iron is essential in the formation of new red blood cells, and a lack of iron can result in iron deficiency anaemia. 

To determine if an iron infusion is appropriate for you, please book an appointment with one of our doctors.

The Implanon is a contraceptive implant that is inserted under local anaesthetic into the upper arm. It is a very effective method of contraception, lasting 3 years and is more effective than tubal ligation but also immediately reversible on the removal of the Implanon. 

If you would like to arrange an Implanon insertion, please book an appointment with one of our doctors to discuss optimal timing. 

The IUD (Intrauterine device) is an effective form of contraception that can last 5 – 10 years. The Mirena IUD can be utilised not only for contraception but also for the management of heavy and painful periods.

If you would like to arrange an IUD insertion, please book an appointment with Dr Melissa Wong to discuss optimal timing. 

If you have at least one chronic disease, that has lasted or is expected to last 6 months you may be eligible for a General Practice Management Plan (GPMP) and the associated Team Care Arrangement (TCA) which enables you to see an allied health practitioner for up to 5 session per calendar year with a medicare rebate.

A GPMP is a collaborative document between your wider care team including specialists, allied health, your GP and your practice nurse and should be reviewed every 3-6 months. To organise a care plan please discuss your eligibility with your GP.